Monday, 19 August 2013

Magnets: Stormraven Wings

Magnetising the Stormraven wings can be very handy for storage and transport without buying a custom foam case.
Step 1:  Glue the magnets in position.  I used "green-stuff" to keep them in place.  Then "colour" the top of the magnets with marker pen or a little paint.
Step 2:  Then dry fit the wings, so the pen on the top of the magnet will mark the position where you need to drill - to secure the other magnet.
Step 3: Drill about 2mm.  Don't worry about going too far.  Because of the flat surface on the other side, any mistakes can be easily repaired with putty.

Step 4:  Glue the magnets in place.

Step 5: Drill a hole and repeat Step 1 & 2

Step 6: Create a super-structure beneath the exhaust using bits and green stuff.  Only use 1 magnet in the middle.  Using 2 towards the back creates a moment and the front lifts up :,- (.  I need to add a 3rd to the front now.

Fin: The wings will not balance until the engines are glued in place, so don't worry if they don't stay in place.  I am going to spray the engines metal/silver before gluing in place.

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